The town of Lauterbrunnen are easily accessible by train. You can reach the Trümmelbach Falls by bus from Lauterbrunnen.
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Trummelbach Falls are a series of 10 waterfalls in a cave-like environment, hidden inside a mountain in the Lauterbrunnen Valley. They are accessible by a well-lit tunnel-funicular with stairs. Further, the Staubbach Falls are only 5 minute away. They are 297 metres high drop-waterfalls located above Lauterbrunnen in the Bernese Highlands. Both waterfalls are worth visiting. These are just 2 of the 72 waterfalls that gush down into the Lauterbrunnen Valley.
The town of Lauterbrunnen are easily accessible by train. You can reach the Trümmelbach Falls by bus from Lauterbrunnen.
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